
Versatile guitarist, musician, composer, producer, performer based in Northern Michigan USA with 40 years of music experience. Possessing an acute ability to slide into diverse genres to fit the requirements of any band or project.

From humble beginnings experimenting in garage bands with a Tascam 4-track way back in the dark ages of the mid-to-late 1980s to a current room full of studio 'toys, gadgets and noise-makers' to mold any sound required for a production or idea (but still with much of the same gleeful experimentation). 

Live band experience includes rock, country, jazz, prog-rock, atmospheric experimental, mellow acoustic with both small and large bands performing all over the globe

Solo acoustic performances are dynamic and refreshing with a popular and sometimes surprising song list.

All these musical life experiences form an exciting and unique musical mélange.


OrangeFrogMusic Studios circa 2021